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The Soviet Circus: The People’s Entertainment

Under the Roman Empire, two things were critical to keeping the people happy: panem et circenses. Bread and Circuses. If they were fed and entertained, they were pacified. Centuries later, the Soviet Union took this philosophy to heart. Bread had always been a sore point – it was a protest about bread shortages that had catalysed the October Revolution and brought the Communist party into power. But the circus was something the Soviets did well. The circus was the peoples’ entertainment, and it came to symbolise something more than just a fun family day out. 

From Entertainment to State Instrument

The nationalisation of circuses in 1919 transformed them from mere entertainment into powerful tools of the Soviet state. The Moscow Circus, in particular, became a symbol of national identity and strength. Unlike the ballet, Russia's other great cultural export, the circus was the art form of the proletariat – accessible and affordable.

The Soviet regime understood the circus's inherent accessibility and potential for messaging. Through thrilling audiences with feats of acrobatics and animal artistry, the Moscow Circus subtly weaved elements of Communist ideology into its performances. The famed 'Cranes' act, a flying trapeze troupe inspired by a song honouring fallen soldiers, added patriotic fervour into the spectacle. This unique blend of spectacle and propaganda ensured the reach of Soviet ideals extended far and wide, influencing vast, diverse audiences.

The ideological message wasn't just figurative. Alongside animal acts, clowning, and acrobatics, the Soviet circus included a strong narrative element – something revived by modern acts like Cirque du Soleil. Dance numbers told folk stories and legends, often with an overtly nationalist message. Citizens received a thorough grounding in socialism, with clowns satirising the Party's enemies. This focus on narrative and artistry set the Soviet Circus apart, prompting Western circus schools to emulate their techniques and methods.

A circus performer with his bear. Credit: Unknown
A circus performer with his bear. Credit: Unknown

Forging Performers: The Moscow Circus School

To ensure the circus served its ideological purpose, a dedicated institution was created. The cornerstone of this system was the Moscow Circus Artistic School, founded in 1927. This centralised institution was the sole training ground for circus artists across the USSR. Admission was fiercely competitive, with thousands vying for just 70 spots each year. The rigorous curriculum combined intensive physical training with ideological indoctrination in the teachings of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin – ensuring graduates were both skilled performers and loyal servants of the state.

This dedication showed in the performances. Performers, especially acrobats, received formal ballet training, adding grace and artistry to their displays of strength and agility. Artists performed nine shows each week, delighting over 70 million citizens per year. Since these well-attended, state-run shows often lasted for hours, they became outlets for Soviet propaganda. 

Life as a Soviet circus performer offered perks rarely found elsewhere. Retirement benefits, childcare, maternity leave, and the opportunity for foreign travel were highly desirable. Performers received better housing – a privilege normally reserved for the political elite. The famous clown, Oleg Popov, was even awarded the title of "People's Artist of the USSR". This made a circus career not only appealing but a mark of prestige, highlighting the state's control and influence over this unique form of entertainment.

Architecture of Spectacle: The Brutalist Soviet Circus

Circus traditions in the USSR had strong roots, with families of artists owning and operating their own circus buildings. Once the circus was nationalised in 1919, circus buildings were passed to the state administration. A 1952 Council of Ministers decree mandating the creation of permanent winter circuses across the USSR, saw a boom in circus construction.

From the late 1960s, over 50 circuses were constructed by the end of the 1980s. In the absence of precedents, architects and engineers devised innovative solutions, even on-site in some instances. These buildings, with their round shapes echoing Soviet "cosmic architecture". While the exact layout varied, Soviet circuses adhered to general design parameters to accommodate the distinctive needs of circus performances. 

Unlike theatres with their one-sided stages, circuses fully utilise both horizontal and vertical space. Additionally, circular, multi-level foyers surrounded the amphitheatre for technical and security purposes. The ambitious scale of these structures, coupled with costly equipment and sometimes subpar construction quality, made them expensive to maintain. The collapse of the Soviet Union, and the decentralisation of the management of these buildings and making their upkeep even more difficult.

The Bishkek Circus Building, Kyrgyzstan. Credit: Stephane Cornille
The Bishkek Circus Building, Kyrgyzstan. Credit: Stephane Cornille

Coded Critique: The Polish CYRK Poster

But by the 1960s, with the Soviet stranglehold over culture showing signs of weakness, the traditional image of the circus needed a facelift. The state turned to poster artists to come up with a more modern aesthetic that showed the USSR was keeping up with the times.

The most famous posters to come out of this period were created by the artists of the Polish Poster School. Poland, by then, was governed by a Soviet-supported Communist regime. Though largely autonomous, they were still subject to heavy censorship – especially when it came to the arts. So the brief from the ZPR (the state agency that oversaw the circus) was surprisingly ambiguous. The posters needed to excite the public about the circus that was coming to town. But they wanted art, not advertisements. The posters shouldn’t contain literal depictions of any of the acts.

The resulting CYRK posters are notorious. Characterised by bright colours, striking typography and aesthetic playfulness, they were hugely influential in the later development of graphic design. And because governmental oversight was relatively loose, a lot of them also got away with taking discreet swipes at the Soviet regime. Magicians and clowns masquerading as spies appear frequently, suggesting the double dealing and misinformation of the Communist regime. Tightropes and tumbling acrobats suggest its imminent demise. 

One of the more obvious motifs is the bear. Bears in CYRK posters are often seen riding bikes or balancing on balls – references to common animal acts of the time. But bears are also representative of Russia, having been used as symbolic shorthand in plays and cartoons for time immemorial. Read as such, bears in CYRK posters take on a different meaning: one critical or even mocking of the USSR’s attempts at world domination. CYRK posters may have been intended to promote a nationalist pursuit, but their subtext reveals a much more critical position.

The Soviet Circus, once a symbol of Soviet power and ideology, experienced its pinnacle of popularity in the 1980s, just as the USSR itself began to crumble. While the state-controlled circus persisted after the Soviet collapse, both its physical structures and ideological influence faced decay. CYRK posters, with their subversive undertones, reveal the cracks in the facade long before the system's demise.

Tierpark Berlin – East German zoo poster from 1983 by Steiff. Silkscreen featuring ducks in blue, green, and orange.Tierpark Berlin – East German zoo poster from 1983 by Steiff, Silkscreen featuring ducks in blue, green, and orange, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Tierpark Berlin

Tierpark Berlin

Tallinn Zoo – Soviet Estonia 1965 poster featuring a polar bear in blue and yellow hues.Tallinn Zoo – Soviet Estonia 1965 poster featuring a polar bear in blue and yellow hues, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Tallinn Zoo

Tallinn Zoo

"Stanislav Circus" - Soviet Russian poster (1970s) by Unknown artist. Features abstract circus imagery with a balancing man in red and black."Stanislav Circus" - Soviet Russian poster (1970s) by Unknown artist, Features abstract circus imagery with a balancing man in red and black, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Stanislav Circus

Stanislav Circus

"Poultry of Slovakia" - Czech poster (1972) by Anton Holly. Showcases a bird, likely an eagle, in yellow and gold tones."Poultry of Slovakia" - Czech poster (1972) by Anton Holly, Showcases a bird, likely an eagle, in yellow and gold tones, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Poultry of Slovakia

Poultry of Slovakia

"Water and Environmental Engineering" - Polish poster (1976) by Mieczysław Wasilewski. Features a jumping fish in blue and black, emphasizing water and environmental themes."Water and Environmental Engineering" - Polish poster (1976) by Mieczysław Wasilewski, Features a jumping fish in blue and black, emphasizing water and environmental themes, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Water and Environmental Engineering

Water and Environmental Engineering

Visit Warsaw Zoo – Poland advertising Poster from 1967 by Waldemar Swierzy featuring a tiger in orange and black.Visit Warsaw Zoo – Poland advertising Poster from 1967 by Waldemar Swierzy featuring a tiger in orange and black, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Visit Warsaw Zoo

Visit Warsaw Zoo

Tajik Circus – Tajik SSR Circus poster from 1970s by Marat Viktorovich Belyaev featuring a black and blue design with a circus performer and guitar.Tajik Circus – Tajik SSR Circus poster from 1970s by Marat Viktorovich Belyaev featuring a black and blue design with a circus performer and guitar, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Tajik Circus

Tajik Circus

Acrobats on Pommel Horses – Soviet Russia Circus poster from 1985 by Marat Viktorovich Belyaev featuring blue design with acrobats.Acrobats on Pommel Horses – Soviet Russia Circus poster from 1985 by Marat Viktorovich Belyaev featuring blue design with acrobats, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Acrobats on Pommel Horses

Acrobats on Pommel Horses

Big Circus Performances – Soviet Russian Offset/paper poster from 1968 by Marat Viktorovich Belyaev showcasing a sunlit circus performance.Big Circus Performances – Soviet Russian Offset/paper poster from 1968 by Marat Viktorovich Belyaev showcasing a sunlit circus performance, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Big Circus Performances

Big Circus Performances

Acrobats and Jumpers – Soviet Russia circus poster from 1970s by M.V. Belyaev featuring red acrobats and performers,  surrounded by black typographyAcrobats and Jumpers – Soviet Russia circus poster from 1970s by M.V. Belyaev featuring red acrobats and performers,  surrounded by black typography, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Acrobats and Jumpers

Acrobats and Jumpers

"Circus - Musical Eccentrics" – Russian SFSR poster from the 1970s by M. Soyuzgostsirk. Features circus performers with musical instruments, highlighting the entertainment and artistry of the circus."Circus - Musical Eccentrics" – Russian SFSR poster from the 1970s by M, Soyuzgostsirk, Features circus performers with musical instruments, highlighting the entertainment and artistry of the circus, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Circus - Musical Eccentrics

Circus - Musical Eccentrics


The Story of Soviet Art: The 20th Century Movement Set to Rise

Soviet art presents a rare opportunity for collectors. The historical significance and artistic merit of Soviet art offers an opportunity to acquire artworks at prices far below their Western counterparts.

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"Circus Rehearsal" – East German poster (1986) by A. Schutt. Illustrates a circus clown juggling against a blue background.

Circus Rehearsal

Circus Rehearsal

"Circus Alberti" – German poster (1960s). Depicts an orange lion against a green circus-themed background.

Circus Alberti

Circus Alberti

Moscow Circus – Soviet Russian circus poster from 1968 featuring female acrobats in vibrant pink and red costumes.Moscow Circus – Soviet Russian circus poster from 1968 featuring female acrobats in vibrant pink and red costumes, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Moscow Circus

Moscow Circus

Moscow Zoo – Soviet Russian poster from 1988 featuring playful zoo animals in white against a bold sign.Moscow Zoo – Soviet Russian poster from 1988 featuring playful zoo animals in white against a bold sign, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Moscow Zoo

Moscow Zoo

Ukrainian Circus on Stage – Ukrainian SSR Circus poster from 1987 featuring a man balancing on a bicycle with purple tones.Ukrainian Circus on Stage – Ukrainian SSR Circus poster from 1987 featuring a man balancing on a bicycle with purple tones, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Ukrainian Circus on Stage

Ukrainian Circus on Stage

Moscow State Circus – Soviet Russian circus poster from 1973 by Valery Kuzmin featuring a man and a snake on his head in pink, blue, and white.Moscow State Circus – Soviet Russian circus poster from 1973 by Valery Kuzmin featuring a man and a snake on his head in pink, blue, and white, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Moscow State Circus

Moscow State Circus

Circus on Stage – Soviet Russia Theatre poster from 1970s by Petrov featuring athletes and performers in red.Circus on Stage – Soviet Russia Theatre poster from 1970s by Petrov featuring athletes and performers in red, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Circus on Stage

Circus on Stage

Hellabrunn – East Germany Zoo poster from 1960 by Michael Kiefer featuring a leopard in black.Hellabrunn – East Germany Zoo poster from 1960 by Michael Kiefer featuring a leopard in black, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight



Circus People – Poland Circus poster from 1982 by Wasilewski Mieczyslaw featuring a man juggling in black and orange.Circus People – Poland Circus poster from 1982 by Wasilewski Mieczyslaw featuring a man juggling in black and orange, framed in a French apartment with parquet floors, white walls and soft sunlight

Circus People

Circus People